Confirmation is a lifelong discipleship process which helps the youth confirm their desire to more deeply identify with Christ Jesus, the Christian community, and its mission.
Confirmation instruction is for youth in 7th and 8th grade. We currently use a hybrid format with in-person meetings and online family conversations.
The purpose is to help the youth take personal ownership of their faith! To do this they study topics such as:
Who is God, and the three persons of the Trinity
What does God expect of me according to the 10 Commandments
What makes God’s gifts of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper so special
What is the Power of Prayer
How has God gifted me in a unique way for serving in His Church and living in His World
What does it truly mean to be forgiven, and to forgive others
The celebration of Confirmation takes place in the month of October of the confirmands freshman year of high school.
For more info please contact:
Dena Handy at