Plan a Visit
We would love to have you worship with us. Here’s what to expect.
There are ample parking spaces available in the main parking lot on the south side
of the building. All entrances/exits to the parking lot are one-way. The south entrance
from Oak Manor Drive (by the parsonage) will take you directly into the main lot. You
can also the main lot from the north entrance by following the roadway around the
Service Times & Styles
Saturday 5:30 pm - Come As You Are
The name says it all. Our most casual worship service with a mix of traditional and contemporary worship songs.
Sunday 8:00 am - Traditional Worship
Traditional Lutheran liturgical worship with organ and traditional hymns
Sunday 10:30 am - Contemporary Worship
Lutheran worship with our praise team and contemporary worship songs
Scripture teaches that with the bread and wine, we truly receive the very body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:26-29, John 6:51, 1 Corinthians 10:14-17). Scripture cautions us not to come to the meal in an unworthy manner but with sincere repentance of our sins and faith in the promises of Jesus. If you have questions or concerns about communing with us, please speak with the Pastor either before or after the service. Children who have not yet received instruction may come forward and receive a pastoral blessing.
There is a children’s message during the 8:00 am and 10:30 am church services. Activity materials are available for children in the back of the sanctuary. We are also pleased to have a nursery/cry room available during worship.
Sunday Education
Sunday School for preschool - 6th grade is held between services, from 9:15-10:15, September through May.
Adults, join us every Sunday morning in the fellowship hall between the church services as we study together. No Classes are held on Second Serving Sundays (Second Sunday of the month) so that everyone can participate in our project of the month.
A heart for worship is more important than wardrobe selections at St. Paul’s. On a Saturday or Sunday you will see suits, dresses, & polo shirts, but you will also see Hawaiian shirts, shorts, t-shirts and blue jeans.
We are located at…
308 Oak Manor Drive
Glen Burnie, MD 21061