The Elementary School Age program involves Grades K through 5th. Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 on or before September 1st. Children entering first grade must have completed Kindergarten and must be 6 by September 1st. Our curriculum for grades K through 5 includes religion, math, language arts (reading, spelling, language, writing), science, social studies, health and fitness, art, music, Spanish and STEM. The amount of time spent on each of these areas varies with the age group. Kindergarten, grades 1 and 2 spend a great deal of time in language arts or learning to read. It is not our expectation that all Kindergarten students can read. They have direct reading instruction, but some may not be developmentally ready for reading . Those that are able to read will be provided opportunities for growth. Grades 3rd through 5th balance the time more evenly in all areas as they read to learn.
STEM classes are also provided to each class on a weekly basis.
In addition to our regular curriculum students participate in field trips and assemblies. Grades 4th and 5th are given the opportunity to join the band program. A choir experience is available to grades 1st through 5th. Various other programs such as conflict resolution, drug awareness, making friends, etc. are provided by the school counselor.
Each Kindergarten class has a morning classroom assistant.
The class hours for grades K through 5th are 8 AM to 3 PM.
* Class size may be exceeded if all State Regulations are met.